Speakers & Subwoofers
9 products
PA Systems Perth
Public Address (PA) systems have been with us for just about a century, since the Magnavox laboratory in Napa, California began experimenting with a carbon microphone connected to a valve amplifier giving about 10 watts of power, which was then used to drive a 34” speaker. After experiencing the world’s first acoustic feedback howl, they placed the speaker on the lab’s roof and claimed to be heard a mile away. The world’s first PA system was born.
Magnavox were not slow to appreciate the possibilities of their system for public entertainment, and on Christmas Eve that year a crowd of 100,000 gathered in San Francisco to hear Christmas music and speeches “with absolute distinctness”.
With the electrification of popular music that took place after the second World War, more and more acts and performers came to depend on stage amplification, demanding PA systems with ever greater gain. Electronics and speaker manufacturers devoted prodigious research efforts to solving the many challenges posed by a high volume acoustic environment. These included audio feedback, which required the correct use and siting of directional microphones, and the difficulty, experienced by performers as the volume of music they were producing rose, of hearing their and their fellow performers’ instruments sufficiently clearly to remain in time and in tune. This required the development of fold-back systems – separate sets of speakers directed at the performers, often controlled by their own mixer.
In the early 1970s, the Yamaha Pro Audio corporation, which had been making speakers for some hears, began making mixers of increasing sophistication at very affordable prices. They quickly began making amplifiers, and in the 80s released their first signal processor, which was quickly followed by a series of digital mixers. Today Yamaha make a full range of PA system equipment. Their products have earned a reputation for excellence, including their ruggedness and ability to survive the notoriously abusive stage environment.
Music Mart carries a wide range of Yamaha PA systems for Perth musicians. For just over $1,000, the Stagepass 400i is offers 400w power, and comes with an 8 channel powered mixer. It’s aimed at the bar/singer-songwriter performer, has all the USB connectivity today’s musicians expect and can include an optional reverb footswitch.
We also stock Yamaha’s EMX range of mixers and mixer desks, which embody Yamaha’s many years of development in a robust and compact chassis. The EMX501CF includes a number of innovations that take it beyond the capabilities of a mere powered mixer, and makes it a serious sound reinforcement device in its own right.
We stock Yamaha speakers, too. Like all Yamaha PA equipment they are robust enough for the road, but deliver powerful, warm output at an affordable price, thanks to computer controlled woodworking and superior acoustic engineering.
To learn more about Music Mart’s range of PA systems, give us a call on 08 9250 2015 or send us an email enquiry.